Internationally Certified Freediving Courses
Established in 2012
Pure Apnea was established in 2012 at a time when the need for a modern, high-quality, high-standards freediving education body became vital.
Certified Students in 75 Countries
Our instructors have trained and certified thousands of students from over 75 countries.
Instructors from 35 Countries
Freedivers from over 35 countries have completed the Pure Apnea Instructor Qualification Course (IQC) and attained the highest freediving instructor standards.
Adventure Freediving
Sport Freediving
Freediving Instructor Courses

Freediving Locations
Are you ready to start your freediving adventure, but not sure where to go? Our global network of Pure Apnea qualified instructors gives you plenty of freediving course and holiday options. Whatever your freediving experience may be, here are some great freediving locations to consider.

Meet Our Freediving Instructors
Our instructors are highly experienced freedivers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and skills. Having the highest instructor qualification standards ensures that Pure Apnea freediving instructors are rigorously qualified, have extensive experience and have demonstrated teaching skills.

For those with a competitive spirit and a drive to be the best at what they love, Pure Apnea provides the infrastructure to organise, run and compete in sanctioned freediving competitions. We strive to make competitions accessible and affordable to all those who are passionate about the sport of freediving.